I make a quick "blink-and-you'll-miss-me" appearance in the fifth and final episode of Unker & Physia, a web-series created by my college friends Jessica Howell and Paul Guyet. I also helped out with some of the behind-the-scenes stuff for the show, like the fake sprinkler effect/carrying set pieces and props, etc. Check out their Youtube channel or Facebook page for more fun content!
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‘A Mini-Tempest’ (Saturday and Sunday)
This time Prospero’s island is a small but lush part of Manhattan: the West Side Community Garden, which in association with DramaTune is presenting this one-hour version of Shakespeare’s play. Adapted by Morna Murphy Martell, “A Mini-Tempest” is part of the series Shakespeare in the Garden, intended to introduce the canon to children. Small theatergoers often come in costumes and participate in the tale, performed by members of the Instant Shakespeare Company. (Through Aug. 14.) At 5 p.m., West 89th Street between Columbus and Amsterdam Avenues, (718) 815-8689, westsidecommunitygarden.org; free.
December 2013