This Plaza Theatrical Production is a live performance of the Wizard of Oz, featuring Caitlin Ryan as Dorothy, Brendan Hunt as the Scarecrow, Renier Schepers as the Tin Man, T.C. Weiss as the Cowardly Lion, Carrie Heffernan as Glinda, and Jack Holly as the Wizard. I worked with T.C. and Carrie again on Willy Wonka and Jack Frost later that year. I had previously worked with Jack Holly on Romeo and Juliet (2004) and Taming of the Shrew (2005), and with Carrie on The Tempest (2010). These were all done by Plaza Theatrical Prod., a great place to hone your chops as an actor and meet other talented individuals. I'll be adding a downloadable version of this video soon. | |
December 2013